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Red Card Campaign

Red card

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193 signatures

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Dernières Signatures
193Nimatu Munkaila Sep 10, 2024
192Datchanamoorthy RamuMay 24, 2024
193 0 red cardA red card in soccer spotlights and helps prevent unfair or dangerous behaviour. We, therefore, give the RED CARD to discrimination and violence against women and girls in all forms and in all countries.commendWe commend all governments for committing on 25 September 2015 at the United Nations to achieve – by 2030 at the latest – 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” in order to end poverty and hunger; reduce inequality; build peaceful, just and inclusive societies; protect the planet and its natural resources; and generate decent work for all.
​appealWe appeal to women and men around the globe to help reach Goal number 5 for achieving gender equality everywhere and empowering all women and girls.urgeWe urge individuals, associations, enterprises, local and regional authorities, governments and intergovernmental bodies – to make this an absolute priority. It is long overdue, and it is a prerequisite for reaching other Sustainable Development Goals.pledgeWe pledge to fully respect every other human being, regardless of gender, culture, colour, language, social origin, birth, property or religion, hence to put an end to all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls.